Monthly Archives: January 2012

58 and Not Sunny, but that’s OK

Another glorious January day, supposedly hitting 58 degrees, but honestly it felt a lot warmer than that where we liveView full post »

14 Months

Did I, again… miss the monthly birthday?  Darn.  All day long, NOTE TO SELF NOTE TO SELF and then it slippedView full post »

Crusty, Greenie, or Sticky?

We got to take Lucy to her first rock show today, a Ramones-inspired kiddie band called the Boogers.  I found myselfView full post »

Dunlap’s Disease

Pete has diagnosed the baby with Dunlap’s Disease, how terrible.  It seems her belly done laps over her belt.View full post »

Who’s Afraid of Virgin Snow?

Went to Cricket Hill today at Montrose to go sledding. Lucy was in excellent spirits, right up until we put on theView full post »


Turns out Lucy had Roseola, which I had never heard of before but apparently it is super common and every baby andView full post »


The second roll of fisheye developed.  Still nothing to write home about, but at least there were 19 on this roll,View full post »

Halo Moon

Big moon, reflected in the glass to make two.View full post »

Orange Lavender

Her dad gave her orange slices for dessert, so when I was rocking her to sleep, I could smell orange oil on her handsView full post »

The Baby Amish Dress is All.

When Lucy was still Cletus the Fetus, we visited rural Pennsylvania for an Amish & Mennonite family reunion and wereView full post »

Fever Pitch

Somebody has a fever.  No illness, just fever, which I am hoping means nothing worse than teething.  We had a bath andView full post »

The *Theory* of Climate Change Evidenced

A 50 degree day in January, that doesn’t seem right.  But it sure was liberating to go out for a walk in JanuaryView full post »

Tooth, singluar

This child surely belongs to Pete, because she goes to sleep at night clutching a toothbrush.View full post »


Last night was the worst night to date, and I think that’s saying a lot. The baby was simply inconsolable, in a wayView full post »