Crusty, Greenie, or Sticky?

We got to take Lucy to her first rock show today, a Ramones-inspired kiddie band called the Boogers.  I found myself much more excited than I had thought I would be.  Her first concert! And it’s actually enjoyable music, and there is food and beer and great energy and ambiance!  I guess I thought it would be like the Lamb Chop and Shari Show.  But it was just like any other Beat Kitchen show, except with lots of miniatures running around and parents who were probably former rockers.

We got her dressed up in a somewhat punk-rock get up, and went with the standard “I just woke up from a nap” hair.

Checking out the stage beforehand with dad.

We got an impromptu invitation to attend what I guess you could call: an after party!  Or rather, a birthday party for a little girl who lives in our neighborhood and our families keep running into each other!  Lots of great parents and kids.  And Lucy officially “colored” for the first time, though by the looks of this picture, you’d think she was a pro.  She must have been copying the other kids with this pose.  And maybe choosing the right hand?

Yay! Baby got her first rock CD!  There’s gonna be a whole lot of wheels on buses goin’ round and round in here.

I sometimes can’t believe just how tiny she is.  Looking like a little adult walking around, but knee high.

Boy, when I was single and going to see shows at the Beat Kitchen and eating their delicious brunch food… I really never pictured this little munchkin walking through that back room.  Joy!


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