Lucy’s First Photography Art

Ok, so this is rather silly.  I am attaching photos that Lucy took with my camera.  A baby’s photos.  Of course, I would only want to share these with folks who really love this stinker, as I know it would be silly to anyone else.

She loves the cause/effect of pushing the button and hearing the shutter click, and of course she knows to look at the back and see the image appear.  I allowed her to play with my older D50 camera, as it is highly durable and you could probably drop it off the side of a boat and it would still work.

There were many crotch shots and carpet photos, so we kept telling her to turn it around or hold it up.

It is rather adorable to see photos from her perspective, a little person 32 inches tall.  A couple of them could possibly be considered still life or abstract art!  I will phone the modern art galleries in NYC….


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