2 Years

Birthday, birthday!  Who’s gotta birthday?!  THIS ONE!

This is what Two looks like, lest she forget later:

This is on her actual birthday, just one of THREE celebrations, criminy! We need to consolidate the joy!  This is at our house, with a red velvet cupcake.  I learned that night, after eating the cupcake at 9pm, that it does indeed have cocoa in it, and was up with insomnia til 2am!  Lucy didn’t care much for the cupcake so I helped her out.  Better me than her!

I like how she went cross eyed while looking at the smoke rise.

The next Saturday we went and saw Grammy and Grampy, Juju, Uncle Mike, and Amanda Panda to celebrate a late birthday for Lucy and Grammy.  More cake!  celebration #3.

Finally…DUELING PANDAS!  I have been waiting about a year to get these two together for a panda portrait.

Here is Lucy with her new little push cyclist guy that Grampy gave her.

Opening presents, she received several puzzles, a talking animal one, a floor puzzle with farm animals, and a shape sorter.  Also, grammy gave her a wooden food set and she loved it and played cook for a long time.

Then she pulled out every doll from grammy’s room, one by one she dragged them down the hallway, including the basket, the bench, and all the little ones.  Here she is relaxing after her hard work!


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