My Fave-Ritt Thing

Dress up, dress down, COSTUMES, alter egos, disguise, and Hall-o-ween.  LOVE. When I had more time, I would find multiple parties and events over a span of 2-3 days and acquire 2 or more costumes to wear out.  I live for that role I can put on, second only to the photograph that seals it in history.  Then to make the group costume plans with friends, my husband, and now the child. We discussed many options, all of which have fled my memory, so I guess they weren’t all that good. At some point we talked about a continuation of last year’s reptilian lizard baby, and that morphed into the idea of the 1950s Twilight Zone era of alien abductions/ impregnation/ anal probe hysteria.  So I became the clueless house wife whose husband is secretly an alien and we had a reptilian baby. It’s not easy to dress an infant as an alien reptile, certainly no makeup or  prosthetics.  Best I could do was find an alligator costume.  Searching on “lizard” brings up Dizney-esque wide-eyed cutie geckos, and that wasn’t going to work. For Pete and I, a fedora, some cat-eye glasses for me, and a little WIG shopping.  Lucy cried when she saw me in a wig, so we had to do some practice runs around the house to get her acclimated to our disguises. That didn’t really work, as you will see from the outtakes, where she is crying in nearly every one of them.


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